- 2.4 km long x 250m wide soil anomaly with artisanal workings
- Rock chips up to 107 g/t Au
- Previously diamond drilled: best drilling result – 19.6 m @6.17g/t Au
- 4+km long soil anomaly with artisanal workings
- 24 trenches completed to date
- Artisanal pit sampling completed
- Discovery of a gold mineralized trend: 2km long by 400m wide associated with a shear zone with grades up to 5.85g/t au over 3.0m
- Diamond drilling ongoing to define strike and depth extents
- Highlights include 6m @ 15.3g/t and 17m at 1.1g/t
- 4.5 km long soil anomaly with artisanal workings
- Rock chips up to 255 g/t Au
- Trenching and artisanal pit sampling completed
- 1 km long soil anomaly
- Grassroots target
- 4 km long soil anomaly with artisanal workings
- Best historical trenching result in the 43-101 report is 30m @ 1.04g/t